The situation at the front is “extremely serious”, the Armed Forces must save ammunition – the US State Department

Метью Міллер

The situation on the battlefield in Ukraine is very difficult due to the fact that the Ukrainian defenders faced a shortage of ammunition.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said this at a briefing.

– The situation is now extremely serious. We see the Ukrainian military on the front line, who do not have enough ammunition, necessary to repel the aggression of the Russian Federation. They are still fighting bravely. They still have armor, weapons and ammunition that they can use, but now they are forced to ration it because of the inaction of the US Congress, – he said.

According to a State Department spokesman, the US expects that by the end of the year, the Armed Forces will “continue to fight bravely and achieve success, but it will be much more difficult for them if they do not have access to the ammunition they need.”

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That is why US President Joe Biden continues to insist that Congress approve aid to Ukraine.

– We once again call on the Congress to fulfill its duty to hold this vote and provide assistance to the Ukrainian army, which desperately needs it, – he emphasized.

Previously, US President Joe Biden’s national security communications adviser John Kirby warned that if military aid is delayed for another month or two, Ukraine will continue to lose ground, and the Russian army will increase its success on the battlefield.

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