For the first time, Ukroboronprom entered the list of 50 leading global arms manufacturers

Укроборонпром топ 50

Фото: Укроборонпром

Joint-stock company Ukrainian Defense Industry entered the list of 50 global defense companies for the first time.

This is evidenced by the Defense News rating and reported by the press service of Ukroboronprom.

Ukroboronprom is among the top 50 defense companies: what is known

The company notes that Ukroboronprom has the most dynamic growth among key global defense companies.

Thus, the state concern took 49th place in the TOP 100 Defense Companies 2024 ranking, which includes the world’s leading arms manufacturers. And became a leader in the growth of sales from the sale of military products.

This rating is created every year by Defense News, a global resource specializing, in particular, in the topic of military defense.

According to the company, in 2023 Ukroboronprom took 65th place, and thus improved its result in 2022 by 16 points.

In addition, in 2023, sales of military products increased by 72% compared to 2022.

Such results define the joint-stock company as the company with the fastest growth rate according to this indicator among the 100 leading global arms manufacturers.

– Today, the most important thing for us is to increase the production of weapons and military equipment in order to bring victory over the enemy closer, – emphasized the general director of Ukroboronprom, Herman Smetanin.

It is noted that Ukroboronprom has been included in the TOP 100 Defense Companies rating list since 2015. The previous best result was in 2017, when the company took 62nd place.

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Photo: Ukroboronprom

Source: For the first time, Ukroboronprom entered the list of 50 leading global arms manufacturers | Fakty ICTV
Alina Honcharenko News editor
Категорії: Україна