Despite challenges of war, TAS Group demonstrates growth: Process optimization, new markets, and innovative solutions

TAS Group

Despite the unprecedented challenges caused by the war, the TAS group of companies is showing positive growth dynamics thanks to effective anti-crisis measures.

This was revealed by the group’s leader Anna Tigipko in an exclusive interview.

– Despite the difficult circumstances related to the war in our country, the TAS group of companies is demonstrating positive growth dynamics. This is facilitated by our diversified portfolio of assets in key economic sectors – industry, finance, and agriculture, said Mrs. Tigipko.

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Анна Тігіпко

Фото: TAS group

According to her, TAS has chosen several strategic directions that allow maintaining sustainable development of enterprises in crisis conditions. In particular, this includes business diversification to distribute risks, development of international partnerships for access to new technologies and markets, modernization of production facilities and innovation implementation, as well as investments in energy efficiency.

As Anna Tigipko shared, during 2022-2023 the Dniprometyz TAS metallurgical plant acquired 7 modern drawing lines, which allowed expanding the product range and increasing exports. The enterprise also launched a new welding wire production line, which is in high demand in Ukraine and foreign markets.

TAS Agro company, despite losing part of its land bank due to occupation and having 3 thousand hectares mined, successfully restored business processes, established export logistics, and optimized production. The agricultural holding continues to invest in development and implementation of modern agricultural technologies.

– In the logistics sector, we have maximized process automation, strengthened coordination with Ukrzaliznytsia and foreign partners to adapt to current conditions. In production, we are implementing energy-efficient solutions, looking for alternative raw material suppliers, and reorienting to new markets, shared the TAS leader.

The group of companies is also actively investing in personnel. Understanding the impact of war on employees, TAS is implementing training programs, expanding social support and motivation for its specialists. After all, people are the most valuable resource of any company, Anna Tigipko is convinced.

– We are adapting to new realities, implementing innovative solutions, and keeping our focus on customer needs. Business diversification, international partnerships, production modernization, and investments in energy efficiency help us overcome difficulties and continue development, summarized the head of the TAS group.

The example of TAS proves that even during war it is possible to maintain stability and ensure business growth. By promptly responding to crisis phenomena, optimizing business processes, finding new markets, and implementing innovations, companies can adapt to challenges and continue development.

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