Ukraine knows the exact number of prisoners of war, but does not name it for security reasons – Lubinets

Україна знає точну кількість військовополонених, але не називає з міркувань безпеки – Лубінець


The Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets assured that they know the exact number of prisoners of war and civilians held by the Russian Federation, but it is impossible to announce these data in order not to harm the process of their return home.

– This is such a difficult job that every word, even a careless one, can hinder us in this process. Therefore, the only thing I can say is that we know the number, we know the locations and conditions. We know that the conditions, according to the Geneva Conventions, are terrible, that is, they violate them,” he said at the briefing.

According to him, people are not provided with proper medical care, the basic rights of prisoners of war and civilian hostages are violated.

– We are doing everything to return them. We do not name the number, – Lubinets emphasized.

He says there is a complete list of our prisoners, but it has not yet been verified by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Three days ago, on October 17, another large-scale exchange of prisoners took place. 108 women were released from captivity.

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Valentyna Letiak News editor
Ольга Чайко Журналістка Факти ICTV
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