The hyperbitcoinization project, launched with the support of Serhiy Tron, is one year

Проєкту гіпербіткоінізації, який був запущений за підтримки Сергія Тронь, виповнився рік

A year ago, the Plan project was launched, which provides for the creation of a bitcoin infrastructure in one of the largest cities in Switzerland.

The city hall and the bitcoin community are celebrating the anniversary of the project, which was launched with the support of the founder of White Rock Management, one of the largest mining companies in the world.

This became known from the material on the Bitcoin Magazine website.

– For a year now, the Swiss city in the heart of Western Europe has been promoting hyperbitcoinization. On March 3, 2022, it was presented the Plan project which aims to create a bitcoin infrastructure in Lugano (Switzerland) for both entrepreneurs and blockchain companies, as well as ordinary residents and tourists of the region. Lugano City Hall and a number of leading bitcoin organizations, including Bitcoin Magazine, are celebrating the anniversary of the initiative, the author of the article noted.

Іnvestor, founder of White Rock Management Serhiy Tron

According to him, during this year, the project launched an investment pool for start-ups amounting to 100 million Swiss francs ($107 million).

– More than 500 educational grants have also been awarded to transfer knowledge and practical skills to students and young workers in the process of mastering the technologies and opportunities of bitcoin. The information partner of the project was Bitcoin Magazine.

The publication’s experts also provided consulting services for the development of the plan and implementation of the initiative. The White Rock Management founder and Bitcoin Magazine partner Serhiy Tron attended the presentation of Plan B and worked closely with Lugano City Hall in the context of the hyperbitcoinization of the city, the article says.

Today, the example of Lugano serves as a new standard for the implementation of bitcoin technologies at the level of the entire city.

The Mayor of Lugano Mr. Michele Foletti and Serhiy Tron, founder of
White Rock Management

– Now there are a large number of bitcoin ATMs installed there, and more than 10,000 merchants already accept BTC to pay for goods and services. Residents of the city can also pay taxes in bitcoins. More than 300 blockchain experts and enthusiasts use the innovation hub to create technological innovations and integrate them with the bitcoin ecosystem. Lugano can serve as a role model for other cities not only in Europe but throughout the world, the journalist sums up.

The initiative also contributes to the decentralization of the bitcoin network and the spread of green mining among companies in the region. The Municipality of Lugano supports scientific and research developments in this area.

The principles of green mining are being actively implemented by White Rock Management at its production facilities in several countries,

Vladislava Tkachenko News editor
Категорії: Суспільство