Ukrainian Parlament proposes to introduce penalties for filming the movement of the Armed Forces

Покарання за зйомку переміщення ЗСУ
Photo: Верховна Рада

The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement Proposes to Introduce Criminal Liability for Unauthorized Dissemination of Information on the Movement or Deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and International Military Assistance to Ukraine. The People’s Deputy Andrey Osadchuk reported about it in the Facebook.

The bill was registered in the Rada on Tuesday, March 22.

According to him, dissemination of information about the direction, transfer of international military assistance to Ukraine, if it was not placed in public access by the General Staff of the Armed Forces, or without written permission from the General Staff for its distribution, committed in a state of war or emergency, may be punishable for a period of three to five years.

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At the same time, the illegal dissemination of information about the movement, movement or location of our Armed Forces or other military formations involves imprisonment for a term of five to eight years.

If these actions are committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, for selfish motives, or in order to provide such information to the aggressor state or illegal armed groups, deputies propose imprisonment from eight to twelve years.

In wartime, there are five to eight years in prison for spreading such information. For an organized group, for selfish reasons – from 8 to 12 years in prison, – said Osadchuk.

Currently, the committee is waiting for the final approval of the issue by the chairmen of parliamentary factions, groups and the leadership of the parliament.

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