The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not let the Russian Federation attack and advance in the South – Operational Command

Втрати техніки РФ_знищена техніка Росії

As of May 12, the Russian military men continue fighting on the occupied lines in the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions.

However, according to the Operational Command South, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not let them attack or advance.

Just on May 11, Ukrainian defenders eliminated 23 Russian invaders.

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In addition, the Ukrainian Armed Forces hit two tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles and destroyed an enemy ammunition depot in the Kherson region.

The Ukrainian military men succeeded in it due to the effective use of missile and artillery weapons.

They neutralized the air defence units and the missile which the enemy had used to hit the Odessa region.

According to the operational command South, the enemy’s naval group currently has a variable composition.

However, at least half a hundred naval-based missiles are constantly ready to launch a missile strike.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been lasting for 78 days.

You can follow the situation in the cities on the interactive map of hostilities in Ukraine.

For information about the war in Ukraine – read online news in the material of Fakty ICTV.


Photo: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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