Shelling from the rocket salvo system of Mykolaiv and Dnipropetrovsk region: what is happening on the 168th day of the war (online)

Війна в Україні – день 168 – новини України під час війни онлайн

On the night of August 10, the Russian military shelled Mykolaiv and the Nikopol district of the Dnipropetrovsk region with rocket launchers.

The Russian invaders stormed through Mykolaiv from Smerch. According to preliminary information, a 13-year-old girl is among the three wounded.

Shelling damaged 12 buildings (including eight private ones), warehouses of one of the enterprises and a depot.

The Russian army fired 80 rockets from Grady in the Nikopol district.

13 people died. 11 injured. Five of them are in serious condition.

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