Damaged houses and an injured man: the Russian Federation struck a village in the Kherson region with artillery

Обстріл Станіслава Херсонської області 22 грудня 2022

Russian troops hit the village of Stanislav in the Kherson region with artillery.

Обстріл Станіслава Херсонської області 22 грудня 2022
Обстріл Станіслава Херсонської області 22 грудня 2022
Обстріл Станіслава Херсонської області 22 грудня 2022
Обстріл Станіслава Херсонської області 22 грудня 2022

Power grids, gas pipelines and 10 houses of local residents were damaged by shelling.

The injured man is being treated.

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According to the deputy head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, repair work has already begun.

People received materials to remove the effects of damage as quickly as possible.

Note that during December 21, the Russian occupiers shelled the territory of the Kherson region 60 times.

The invaders fought with artillery, rocket launchers, mortars and tanks.

The Russians attacked a shipyard, private and apartment buildings.

One person died, six more residents of the region were injured of varying degrees of severity.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for the 302nd day.

You can monitor the situation in cities on the interactive map of hostilities in Ukraine.

Read more information about the war in Ukraine – online news in ICTV Fakty.

Source: Kyrylo Tymoshenko

Photo: Kyrylo Tymoshenko



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