Russia dispels fake news that Ukraine is allegedly going to attack Transnistria


A document “obtained” by propagandists allegedly shows Ukraine’s preparations for an attack on the unrecognized republic of Transnistria is fake.

The Center reported this for Strategic Communication and Information Security.

– The collaborator Rogov published a “secret document” according to which the Armed Forces of Ukraine “are going to carry out an armed provocation in Transnistria.”

In fact, this is another fake with which propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian Defense Forces, – the statement said.

As the Center for Strategic Communication explains, the fake document does not comply with the standard format of military papers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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It is also noted that the wording used in the “document” is also not typical of Ukrainian business speech.

Again, the propagandists failed to forge an “order” without grammatical errors.

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Source: Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security

Photo: Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security

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