Almost 100% of Ukrainians approve of actions of the Armed Forces – poll

Photo: УНІАН

Almost 100% of Ukrainians approve of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The army ranks first in terms of approval.

This is stated in the results of an all-Ukrainian survey conducted by the Sociological Group Rating, commissioned by the International Republican Institute (IRI).

Thus, 98% of respondents support the activities of the Armed Forces: 89% strongly approve, and another 9% rather approve.

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Соцопитування групи Рейтинг

Photo: Rating Group

The actions of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy are approved by 91% of the polled (58% strongly approve and 33% rather approve).

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is on the third position in terms of approval (76%).

The activities of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine are supported by 71% of respondents, the police – 70%, Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov – 62%, local authorities – 57%, the Cabinet of Ministers – 53%, and the Verkhovna Rada – 41%.

Соцопитування групи Рейтинг

Photo: Rating GroupThe survey was conducted throughout Ukraine, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. On February 1-5, 2023, 2 thousand Ukrainian residents aged 18 and older were interviewed. The sample does not include citizens who are outside of Ukraine.

The survey method was a computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers. The margin of error does not exceed 2%.

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Source: Рейтинг
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