Lithuania was the initiator of the Coalition for Demining of Ukraine

Литва оголосила про створення Коаліції з розмінування України

Lithuania is putting together a coalition for demining Ukraine and is inviting countries to join in training demining personnel or provide the necessary equipment for the Ukrainian military.

This was stated by the Minister of National Defense of Lithuania, Arvydas Anushauskas , on July 18, during a remote meeting of the Ukrainian Contact Group on Defense in the Ramstein format.

– We are gathering a demining coalition with the aim of consolidating and coordinating current and planned aid to Ukraine in this area. The coalition is formed according to the “train and equip” principle, which is used in training assistance to Ukrainians, which Lithuania provides together with Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and soon – Denmark. We invite other countries to join us with their instructors and equipment, – the minister said.

Anoushauskas stressed during the meeting that the West needs faster and larger-scale help in the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so that Ukraine’s victory ends the war sooner. Defense ministers presented their respective aid packages to Ukraine.

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Also, the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania reported that the military equipment agency under the Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the supply of NASAMS launchers with the Norwegian company Kongsberg on June 27, so these air defense complexes will be delivered to Ukraine already this fall.

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Photo: Command of the United Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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