The center will specialize in drones: a recruiting center will appear in Ukraine

В Україні створено ректрутинговий центр з укомплектування частин і підрозділів

A recruiting center will be created in Ukraine to staff military units and divisions of the Ground Forces.

The commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavlyuk, announced the adoption of the relevant decision.

– Taking into account the fact that today unmanned technologies solve a number of complex and important combat tasks on the battlefield, the primary main task of the center is the selection and staffing of unmanned systems units of the Ground Forces with motivated candidates with the necessary qualities for further training and obtaining a military accounting specialty in the direction of unmanned systems , – he wrote in Telegram .

How the recruiting center will work

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During selection, each eligible candidate will be able to select the unit in which they wish to serve. Basic military training will be provided within a special training battalion, and professional training will also be provided at a separate center under the guidance of specialists with combat experience.

More detailed information about the selection and training program for unmanned systems specialists can be obtained by calling the hotline: 0 800 301 314.

By the way, people are being recruited for the border detachments of the new model. Read about the conditions and stages of selection at the link.

Photo: Facebook/110 separate mechanized brigade named after Corporal General Mark Bezruchka

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