Activists and soldiers of the Anti-Terrorist Operation are being sought: Russians are holding more than 100 people in Kherson

Ситуація в Херсоні 5 квітня 2022: окупанти затримують учасників АТО та активістів

The Russian invaders kidnapped more than 100 residents of Kherson. Invaders terrorize activists and soldiers of the Anti-Terrorist Operation. And nothing is known about the fate of many of them.

The mayor of Kherson Ihor Kolikhayev declared it.

– They blocked local TV and radio channels, brought their equipment – and now we have RosTV. They are currently pulling the Internet from Crimea. This is the second direction. The third direction – distribute their humanities. Also to them “well-wishers” completely merged a database on all activists who were in the city, – Kolikhayev said.

He added that the invaders had personal data of representatives of local authorities, Territorial security, and Members of the ATO / OOS.

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– They had personal files for each of my profile deputies, information conditionally from the wife’s pedigree to the dog’s nickname. The same applies to terrorist defense and Kherson combatants who were in Donetsk and Luhansk, data on where they live and what they own, – said the mayor of Kherson.

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According to him, the Russian occupiers are looting houses. The Rosguard and the FSB are located in the city.

– Now the Rosguard is completely here, FSB which process activists, work with ATO`s soldiers. They know about everyone from start to finish. Therefore, I can’t understand exactly how the databases were destroyed when the SBU and the police left the city. That is, you can demonstratively burn personal files, but leave in your server disks. Do you understand what I’m talking about? – Igor Kolykhayev declared.

More than 100 Russians are currently being held captive: activists, ex-servicemen, foreigners and journalists.

Some have been released from captivity, some are still being held, – Kolikhayev added.

It is unknown exactly where the Russian invaders are holding people. But the fact remains that they are being beaten, trying to break psychologically.

– I know that people are beaten, trying to break psychologically. Others, as they say, are not beaten, but try to persuade. I think that they “detain” some people for the future exchange for their prisoners of war, – the mayor told.

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Source: Українська правда
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