Antonov SE Explains Why An-225 Mriya Was Not Saved In Time

АН 225 Мрія – чому не вдалось врятувати від обстрілів легендарний літак

The legendary An-225 Mriya was supposed to fly out of Hostomel in the morning of February 24 following its engine overhaul but could not make it in time before the airspace got closed.

This was reported by the company’s spokesperson Larysa Drozdova on air during the national TV marathon on March 22.

– We could not get Mriya in the air because on February 24 at 05.00 Russian forces began shelling Ukrainian airports and airfields and Antonov State Company was risked losing the lives of 20 aircrew, – Larysa Drozdova explained.

The company’s management had relocated five Ruslan aircraft by February 23. The last of them departed for Leipzig on February 23 at 23.51.

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– Mriya was parked in Hostomel because its engine was in need of overhaul and not reassembled until late at night on February 23. On the morning of February 24, Mriya was supposed to depart but had to be left on the airfield because of shelling, – Antonov SE’s spokesperson recounted that day’s events.

Already under fire, the company’s staff sheltered Mriya in hangars but that could not save the aircraft.

The experts are yet to examine the An-225. Only then will Antonov SE be able to assess the damage.

It is known so far that Russian forces severely damaged the Hostomel airport’s runway and almost completely destroyed the company’s office building.

As of 14.00, February 24, the loss of another two An aircraft had been reported.

– All our staff are trying to figure out what do we do now to keep the company going and build a new Mriya. You do know that we have another Mriya, albeit unfinished. By our estimates, we need from US$700 mn. to US$1 bn. to finish it, – Larysa Drozdova added.

FYI, on February 27, day 4 of the full-scale war in Ukraine, Ukroboronprom reported that the Ukrainian aviation’s flagship An-225 Mriya had been destroyed.

Tentatively, the restoration of the legendary aircraft would take over five years and cost over US$3 bn. to complete.

Ukraine is determined to make every effort to make the aggressor state cover the costs.

Antonov SE still has another Mriya fuselage.

We remind that you can monitor the situation on the interactive combat map of Ukraine.

For more information about the war in Ukraine, read our news online on Fakty ICTV.

Photo: Ukroboronprom

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