The occupiers threaten to release and do not let people out of the city: in the “LPR” they create the appearance of activity in pseudo-referendums

Photo: Depositphotos

The Russian military is trying to create the appearance of active participation of the population in pseudo-referendums in the occupied territories of the Luhansk region.

This was announced by the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, Serhiу Нaidai.

He noted that Russian mass media are already working on the ground. In occupied Bilovodsk, at one of the enterprises, the manager announced to the employees that attendance was mandatory.

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– Those who do not participate in the voting will be automatically dismissed from their jobs, and the lists of those who do not appear will be handed over to the “Ministry of State Security” of the “LPR”, – says the head of the Regional Military Administration.

In addition, the occupying authorities of Starobilsk forbade the local population to leave the city on September 23-27.

– According to available information, the occupiers are creating armed groups to bypass housing and force people to participate in the so-called referendum, – says Нaidai.

We will remind that on September 20, the militants of the terrorist “LPR” and “DPR” announced the dates of their pseudo-referendums. Fake votes will be held from September 23 to 27.

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