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The Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated the Russian Major General – Stefan

ЗСУ ліквідували російського генерал-майора Сергія Горячова – Штефан

The Ukrainian military liquidated the Chief of Staff of the 35th Combined Arms Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Major General Serhiy Horyachev, and several other senior staff officers.

This was reported by the officer of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Anatoly Stefan (Stirlitz).

The occupiers claim that Horyachev died as a result of a rocket attack in the Zaporizhzhia region.

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Horyachev was the head of an operational group of Russian troops in Transnistria. Subsequently, he commanded the 27th brigade, 201st military base in Tajikistan. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, he was the commander of the 5th tank brigade, then he was appointed chief of staff.

The total losses of the Russian Federation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion reached 216,650 killed.

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Source: Anatoly Stefan

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