The occupiers’ air defense shot down their own Su-35S plane over Tokmak – British intelligence

ППО окупантів збила над Токмаком власний літак Су-35С – британська розвідка
Photo: Getty Images

Over the temporarily occupied Tokmak of the Zaporizhzhia region, which is located approximately 20 km from the front line, on September 28, Russian air defense forces with a high probability shot down one of their own Su-35S multi-purpose combat aircraft, according to the intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Great Britain.

– Although Russia has lost about 90 aircraft since the beginning of the invasion, this is probably only the fifth loss of the Su-35S – the most modern Russian combat aircraft in service – the intelligence officers emphasize.

According to their data, Russian headquarters are located in Tokmak, from which the occupiers control one of the most tense sections of the front line. Therefore, the city is well fortified and protected by special short- and medium-range air defense systems.

– They are almost certainly on very high alert, as Ukraine continues to deliver effective deep strikes on such objects, – the report of the British Defense Department emphasizes.

Earlier, local partisans released a video of the downing of a Russian Su-35 fighter jet near Tokmak after the Russian air defense launched missiles from the S-300 air defense system.

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Photo: Ministry of Defense of Russia

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