A step towards decolonization: Ukraine denounces the Free Trade Agreement with the CIS

Ukraine is preparing to denounce the Free Trade Agreement with the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). The Cabinet of Ministers is already working on the relevant draft law.
This was reported by the press service of the Verkhovna Rada with reference to the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development Roksolana Pidlasa, who came up with such an initiative.
The Multilateral Free Trade Agreement was concluded on October 18, 2011 between the CIS member states. The parties to this document are: Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Russia. Trade with Russia is embargoed due to its aggression against Ukraine.
As Roksolana Pidlasa stressed after the meeting with Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, it is time to “decolonize trade” and withdraw from the agreement.
The MP reminded that Ukraine has bilateral free trade agreements with all CIS countries, the GUAM Free Trade Agreement (Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Moldova are members). In addition, the regional convention Pan-Euro-Med is applied in relations with Georgia and Moldova.
– It is time to decolonize our trade… There are many tools that work for Ukrainian producers, and there is no need to participate in a Russian-centric agreement, where Russia imposes its rules and applies the law of force,” Podlasa said.
In preparation for the denunciation of the agreement, the Verkhovna Rada together with the Cabinet of Ministers will work on the modernization of bilateral agreements with the Central Asian states. In addition, in the near future it is planned to complete the ratification of several documents related to trade with Moldova and GUAM.
As you know, in September Ukraine completely banned the export of goods to Russia. This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers will be valid until the day of termination or cancellation of martial law in our country, as well as until the cessation of aggression by Russia.