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The Russian Federation transferred paratroopers and half a thousand units of equipment to Izium

Війна в Україні

On the 64th day of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the Russian Federation’s main efforts are focused on the Izium area.

Currently, the enemy is trying to attack in the directions of Sulyhivka — Nova Dmytrivka and Andriyivka — Velyka Komyshuvakha.

To do this, Russia uses the forces of existing units.

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Also, in order to strengthen the offensive group, the Russian Federation additionally moved airborne units to the Izium of the Kharkiv region.

Russia also transferred about 500 units of equipment here.

The enemy does not stop striking and firing artillery at Kharkiv.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for 64 days.

The situation in the cities can be followed on an interactive map of hostilities in Ukraine.

More information about the war in Ukraine — read online news in the material ICTV Facts.

Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces

Photo: General Staff of the Armed Forces

Изюм, Война в Украине, Російська агресія, Харьковская область
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