Implementation of agreements is mandatory: the UN Secretary General condemned the Russian missile attack on the commercial port in Odesa

Генеральний секретар ООН засудив ракетний удар РФ по торговому порту в Одесі
Photo: Офіс президента

UN Secretary General António Guterres condemned the Russian army’s missile strikes on the Odesa sea trade port, carried out the day after the signing of agreements in Istanbul on the export of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea.

– The Secretary General unconditionally condemns the strikes carried out today in the Ukrainian port of Odesa. Yesterday, all parties made clear commitments on the world stage to ensure the safe movement of Ukrainian grain and related goods to world markets,  – the deputy press secretary of the UN Secretary General said in a statement.

According to him, Ukrainian grain is extremely necessary to overcome the global food crisis and alleviate the suffering of millions of people around the world.

The United Nations emphasized that full implementation of the agreements by Russia, Ukraine and Turkey is mandatory for all parties.

Watching now

Russia fired cruise missiles at Odesa, attacking a sea trade port that contained Ukrainian grain.

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Source: United Nations Secretary-General

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