Zelenskyy: All Russian assets should be used to restore Ukraine without compromise with aggressor

Zelenskyy: All Russian assets should be used to restore Ukraine without compromise with aggressor
Photo: Офіс президента

All Russian assets that can be used to fully restore Ukraine should be used without any compromise with the aggressor country.

This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his speech to members of the German Bundestag.

Russian assets for the restoration of Ukraine

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– ‘I am confident in a Europe that will become a happy home for children, will not allow hatred to take root, and will do everything to correct a mistake in history – this war that is ongoing on our continent and threatens to escalate into a much broader confrontation,’ Zelenskyy said.

The President argues that the people of Germany can understand Ukrainians who are fighting against Russia’s attempts to divide our country by looking back at their own history.

At the same time, the Head of State stressed that Ukrainians will end this war in the interests of Ukraine and the whole of Europe, that is, on their own terms.

– Those responsible for the war must be held accountable, fairly answer for every crime. Only out of fair responsibility comes a historic chance to heal from aggression. Russia must go through this, through full and fundamental responsibility for the war. This should never happen again,’ Volodymyr Zelenskyy is convinced.

According to the President of Ukraine, the time for compromise with Russia has already been exhausted since the Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin began burning cities and killing instead of dialogue.

– If someone thinks that Putin is forever, and that wars never end, this is not the case. This is an illusion that can be dispelled by leadership and decisions. We will do it together with you, Germany,’ the Head of State emphasised.

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