A new war is inevitable: Kyslytsya called on the UN Security Council to stop Russian fascism

Сергій Кислиця
Photo: Getty Images

It is necessary to put an end to Russian fascism, because if this is not done, a new war is inevitable.

This was stated by the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Sergiy Kyslytsya during a meeting of the UN Security Council.

– We must stop this together, and the sooner the better. If we allow Putin or his successor on the Kremlin throne to grow back the claws soaked in the blood of Ukrainians, the next war is inevitable, and the civilized world will pay three times more than it pays today. Let’s end Russian fascism already! – he said.

Sergiy Kyslytsya stressed that Russia’s transition to an aggressive fascist regime has already been confirmed by its inability to refrain from attacking those whom it considers weak prey.

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– We all have to stop it, the sooner the better. Ukraine is now at the forefront, it has the necessary will of its leadership, the determination and courage of its army and people, as well as unprecedented international solidarity, – said the Ukrainian ambassador to the UN.

He also reminded that no one voted for Russia’s membership in the UN instead of the USSR.

– The event that took place in this hall in December 1991 provoked a series of tragic events. Imagine, on the last day before Christmas, the chairman of the Security Council, Soviet Ambassador Vorontsov, closes a meeting of the Council. The next meeting of the Council is opened by the same person – and, oh, a miracle! – As a representative of another country – the Russian Federation. The country, which at that time was not in the UN Charter and in general in the list of UN member states, – said Sergiy Kyslytsya.

Ukraine’s post-envoy to the UN clarified that at that time there was no official decision on this issue from any body.

– There was no official decision of any body, and not because of the Christmas holidays. President Yeltsin only informed the UN of his decision, and someone made the decision without public discussion and without a vote. And Ambassador Vorontsov managed to persuade the Secretary General to accept his credentials as a representative of Russia under the Christmas tree, – he summed up.

Sergiy Kyslytsya also cited the criteria of fascism professed by today’s Russia: the cult of a single leader, the cult of the dead, created on the basis of World War II, Russia cultivates the myth of the last golden age of imperial greatness.

-Fascist aesthetics can be easily traced in the propaganda of the Z symbol, in the organization of mass rallies in support of the war, in the consolidation of war propaganda and incitement to hatred against Ukraine and Ukrainians, –  the ambassador said.

He called absurd the proposals of some leaders to make concessions to Moscow.

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Source: Sergiy Kyslytsya

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