The last trump card: the General Directorate of Intelligence assessed the probability of the use of nuclear weapons by Russia

Холодна війна

The possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons hypothetically exists, but the Kremlin prefers to put this scenario in the longest drawer.

Andriу Yusov, a representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence, announced this on the air of the national telethon.

According to him, weapons of mass destruction remain for the Kremlin a tool for political stimulation, a kind of last trump card.

Watching now

— Now the Russian Federation is using the entire nomenclature of weapons against us, except weapons of mass destruction. This is the only thing left in Russia. And after its use, what will happen next? What other arguments? Break the will of Ukrainians to resist? No. Change public opinion in the world or shake the pro-Ukrainian coalition? On the contrary, – Yusov noted.

Therefore, the representative of Ukrainian intelligence concluded, although hypothetically the terrorist state is able to apply this final “argument”, Moscow understands that the reality is very different from its expectations.

What will be the reaction of the USA in the event of a nuclear strike by the Russian Federation

According to the American media, Washington will immediately apply a “non-nuclear but dramatic” response in case Russia uses weapons of mass destruction against Ukraine.

The CIA reported that in the event of a breakthrough of the Russian Defense Lines by the Armed Forces during an attempt to retake Crimea, the possibility of using nuclear weapons may increase to 50% or even higher.

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