The dollar jumped: Privatbank set the market rate for cashless currency exchange

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Starting today, July 6, Privatbank sets the market rate for currency exchange during non-cash transactions.

This was reported in the bank’s press service a few hours before the innovation, in the evening of July 5.

– First of all, this concerns card conversion rates: cash withdrawals and transfers in hryvnias in Ukraine from currency cards, as well as all types of operations abroad in currency using hryvnia cards, – the bank’s press service explained.

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Privatbank explained that they set uniform exchange rates for card payments and buying and selling cash currency in their branches, based on the market situation, regulatory documents, maintaining the integrity of the market and based on the interests of its customers.

As of July 5, the exchange rate on the bank’s website was UAH 32.79 for $1. At the same time, as of the night of July 6, the exchange rate in the application is UAH 35.25 for $1.

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Source: PrivatBank

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