Due to sanctions in Russia, the plant for the production of anti-aircraft missile systems stopped working

Due to sanctions in Russia, the plant for the production of anti-aircraft missile systems stopped working
Photo: Depositphotos

Russia has suspended production of anti-aircraft missile systems (AMS), as reported the Main Military Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.

The production facilities of the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant have actually been shut down. Namely, the UMP is a manufacturer of radar systems and short-range, medium-range air defense means for the Russian ground forces (SAM Buk, SAM Kub, SPAAW Tunguska).

The reason for the critical state of production is that Russia uses a large number of constitutive elements and electronic components imported from abroad in the manufacture of military products.

Watching now

Until recently, the main supplier of Russian military-industrial complex was Germany. But with the start of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, all cooperation was suspended.

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Employees of the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant say that they are not able to continue production on their own, because “almost nothing Russian” is used during the technological process.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, the plant’s management is currently looking for ways to circumvent sanctions and establish supplies through third countries (including Kazakhstan). But such schemes lead to a significant increase in the cost of components due to the need to pay for services to intermediary countries, and this is not provided for in the budget and there is no way to increase it.

Therefore, workers are now have a choice: to go on unpaid leave or to sign a contract with the Armed Forces to take part in the war in Ukraine. The recommended position is the operator-gunner of SAM Buk, for which they offer 50,000 rubles a month.

Source: the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

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