In Moldova, the parliament banned the St. George’s ribbon and Russian signs Z and V

георгіївська стрічка
Photo: Dreamstime

In Moldova, the parliament in the final reading adopted a bill that provides for liability for the use of symbols of military aggression. In particular, it is about the St. George’s ribbon and the signs Z and V.

According to local media, this bill stipulates that Moldova prohibits symbols and attributes that promote acts of military aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

For the production, sale, public use and distribution of these attributes and symbols, the following are provided:

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  • for individuals – fines from 4500 to 9000 lei or 30 to 60 hours of unpaid work in favor of the community;
  • for legal entities – fines from 9000 to 18000 lei.

The deputies of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BCS), who protested near the parliamentary rostrum, tried to block the adoption of the bill.

Their leader Volodymyr Voronin called the initiative of the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) a “shame”. Meanwhile, the deputy of PAS Radu Marijan said it was a shame for him that such symbols were used on the tanks of the Russian army, which started the war in Ukraine.

– We cannot tolerate the presence of symbols of war in the Republic of Moldova, – he stressed.

This law will come into force after signing by the President of the country.

Meanwhile, the deputies of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists claim that they will appeal this law in the Constitutional Court.

Source: Newsmaker

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