They can fly a distance of up to 5.5 thousand km: the occupiers fired at Kyiv with X101 missiles

The Russian army shelled Kyiv with strategic air-to-ground cruise missiles X101 launched from the Caspian Sea.
Yuriy Ignat, the spokesman for the command of the Air Force of the AFU, noted that they could fly a distance of up to 5,500 kilometers. These missiles were launched from Tu-95 and Tu-160 aircraft.
Tu-160. Photo: Depositphotos
According to him, the bombers took off from Astrakhan, and the missiles were launched over the Caspian Sea.
The X-101 (pronounced Ha-101) is a strategic air-to-ground cruise missile using radar mitigation technology. According to the media, it is exclusively Russian-equipped.
The missile has a combined guidance system to hit the target: an inertial system with optoelectronic correction, and in the final stretch, it uses homing. The X101 receives comprehensive information on both the route and the target coordinates. The missile can change target even after launch, unlike the weapons of previous generations.