Олімпійський чемпіон зі стрибків у воду Кріс Мірс вирішив завершити спортивну кар’єру.
Британський спортсмен на Олімпіаді у Ріо-де-Жанейро у 2016 році разом зі своїм співвітчизником Джеком Ло стали чемпіонами у синхронних стрибках з 3-го трампліну .
— Я завершую кар’єру. У мене вийшла дивовижна подорож, яка безумовно була непростою. Але щоб отримати щось, потрібно багато працювати і ніколи не здаватися, – написав Мірс на своїй сторінці в Instagram.
Переглянути цей допис в Instagram
What can I say… I’m RETIRED I’ve been thinking of this post for quite some time, and how to share it with everybody. So here goes! What a journey! From a seven year old kid with too much energy, somersaulting off of anything and worrying my parents to death, to Olympic champion with @jacklaugher ! Well… it wasn’t quite that easy My road was certainly bumpy. But in order to get to something from nothing, you need to work hard, keep improving, and never give up. The first part of my journey started in Reading, my hometown (RG massif!) with Albatross diving club. A special shoutout to Geoff Pierce for finding my talent, and Malcolm Green for nurturing it! This led me on to train in Southampton for the duration of my early career – coached by the forever amazing Lindsey Fraser. She taught me so much and I am very grateful – she would fry me with her lazer vision and I knew in that moment … I’d fucked up! The whole Southampton diving community were so supportive, and pivotal to my learning as an athlete. Lindsey taught me a number of dives and skills, leading me to compete around the world and start to win medals. I then was faced with an opportunity – to start synchro with Jack. I didn’t think twice about it and my moving process took about 2 weeks as soon as I made the decision to move to Leeds. It was in these few years where I think I learned the most – I’d moved far away from home, gained more independence, and was handed over to the great Ady Hinchliffe. Ady turned me from a boy into a man! I’ve had a career full of amazing memories, friendships and experiences I’ll always look back on and smile. I’ve learned lessons that I will take with me for the rest of my life! I’m now working full time in the music industry, and will be releasing music through @its_bloodline with my cousin @robbie.mcdade , as well as working on music for other artists. Watch this space A HUGE Thankyou to everyone who has supported me !! – My top achievements – Olympic GOLD Commonwealth GOLD X2 World championship BRONZE World Cup SILVER European GOLD + SILVER MBE! Outscoring jack on a reverse dive (pretty sure it happened) P.S check last photo
Допис, поширений Chris Mears (@mearschris93) 6 Сер 2019 р. о 10:25 PDT
Дивіться : Агуеро знявся в кліпі сексапільної аргентинки TINI, від якої не відвести погляд
Мірс зазначив, що присвятить себе музиці. Музичний бенд Кріса має назву Bloodline.
— Тепер я працюю повний робочий день в музичній індустрії. Я буду випускати музику разом з кузеном Робі Макдейдом, також я буду працювати з іншими артистами, – додав він.
До речі, екс-фронтмен Oasis Ліам Галлахер запропонував Пітеру Краучу зіграти на бас-гітарі у його групі.
Фото : Chris Mears
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