Russians Use Banned Phosphorus Munitions Near Irpin

росіяни застосували фасфорні боєприпаси

Russian invaders used banned white phosphorus munitions over the northwest suburb of Kyiv. The incident took place late at night on March 22.

According to Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn, the attack is estimated to have affected Hostomel and Irpin.

The use of this type of munitions against civilians constitutes a crime against humanity and violates the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

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On the night of March 13, the invaders dropped white phosphorus bombs on Popasna, Luhanska Oblast. Ombudsman Liudmyla Denysova elaborated that white phosphorus munitions contain a pyrophoric compound that burns at over 800 degrees Celsius and spreads over an area of hundreds of square meters.

Contact with white phosphorus can cause severe and painful injuries or induce a slow and painful death. This kind of injuries requires treatment by specially trained medical personnel who, when providing help, may also be prone to injuries caused by white phosphorus.

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Source: Oleksandr Markushyn

Photo by: Oleg Gryb

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