Just an exchange of information: GUR on assistance to RVC in Belgorod region

Лише обмін інформацією: в ГУР про допомогу РДК у Бєлгородській області

The Ukrainian military exchanges certain information with the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Russian Freedom Legion, but does not directly assist Russian soldiers during special operations in Russia.

This was stated by Andriy Chernyak, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, in a commentary to the Financial Times.

– “Of course, we communicate with them, exchange certain information. And, one might say, we even cooperate,” he said.

At the same time, he stressed that the Ukrainian military did not directly participate in the operation of the Russian Freedom Legion and the Russian RDC in the Belgorod region of Russia.

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Chernyak also denied the Kremlin’s claims that Ukraine had allegedly provided them with American weapons.

– “All Western weapons received by the Ukrainian Armed Forces remain under the strictest control,” the intelligence officer emphasised.

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The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence says that the Kremlin is considering options to withdraw some troops to be redeployed to the Belgorod region to strengthen its borders. This includes some units in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

Photo: RVC

Source: Financial Times
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