The voice of the Ukrainian resistance in China. Vloger, who spoke about the war in Ukraine, is accused of treason

Китайська цензура і російсько-українська війна
Photo: Unsplash

Chinese vlogger shared video from the war in Ukraine. For this, he was called a national traitor in China, writes CNN.

Wang is a 36-year-old programmer living in Odessa. On the Chinese social network Douyin, which is similar to TikTok, the man saw videos praising Putin’s actions. It was then that he decided to show the real picture.

His videos quickly gained popularity because they differed greatly from what Chinese propaganda offers, – CNN reports.

For this, Wang is called a traitor to the homeland and is threatened with threats “to stop publishing messages.” The man is not going to do that.

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Earlier, the White House said that on March 18, US President Joe Biden held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping by video call.

He told Biden that Russia’s conflict and confrontation in Ukraine were “not in anyone’s interest” and said that “China and the United States must work for peace.”

Source: CNN
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